:: a girl can dream ::

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

yesterday go back to sch to prac for gen opt prac test.. suppose to start at 11am.. but dunno wad happen .. got a bunch of sec sch kids.. eh? no no no.. a whole group or school of those kids using the prac room.. den kena wait til 1 plus.. so we decided to go makan at foodcourt 3.. den after lunch.. we wanna go sp guild house to play pool.. but by den, it was abt 12 plus liao.. hehez.. but gotta rush back to prac room by 1pm..
confirm no time if we go sp guild house.. so we go n rent MOnOpoLy from CLS n play just outside CLS room.. wah.. 1st round boring.. after dat.. shiok sia!! so funny.. evry1 buy property,etc. except me.. dunno y my dice evrytime roll small number.. pple 2 or 3 rounds liao.. i still stuck at 1st round.. hahaz..
then evry1 passing by kept staring.. lol! paisehz lehz.. but the funny part when vitya about to leave, got auction.. she sell her property,etc. poor shan.. mic,pam n me sabotage her.. form allies.. hahaz..den we became addicted to the game.. 1.45pm like dat,den go prac.. =p its realli nice doing prac.. though half of the time i dun understan a single thing.. we chat abt other stuffs more.. lol!! but overall, it was nice.. den go home le.. supposed to study.. but end up slackin.. watch tv.. incredible tales, america's next top model,etc. fuyo! tyra flared up.. scary sia.. den i went to the heavenly place.. filled with clouds and pillows.. its my bed.. zzZz~ *bLagH..~~


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